About Me

Manchester, NH, United States
I am a wannabe hiker of New England and New York. Follow along on my blog as I try to get back in shape for hiking and backpacking as I also try to manage my weight loss and depression issues.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Welcome to my blog. It is my hope I will stick to this on a regular basis as I use this as a live journal while I try to get back in shape to hike and backpack the mountains of New England and New York.

I have been trying to return to some level of hardcore hiking since 2008 but my struggles with arthritis in my feet and right knee along with varying levels of bi-polar depression have made this a constant struggle. Although I went on several hikes in 2008, activity level dropped considerable in 2009 and I did no hiking in 2010. However, beginning in June 2011, I have newfound motivation to quit drinking, lose weight, and do some serious hiking. Since June 11th, I have lost 16 pounds and I have been sober since May 29th.

In the coming months, and hopefully years, I plan to share my adventures here. There may also be entries pertaining to weight loss and depression but I would like to keep these posts to a minimum and try to focus on hiking and backpacking.

Thanks in advance for following along.

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